Sunday, December 21, 2008


As many of you now know, due to my recent Christmas card letter, Union Pacific is moving the Roseville, CA dispatchers to Omaha. The most current announcement is that we will be moving, but we do not have a date yet and they plan to have all the dispatchers moved in the next six months. I'm very excited about being close to my friends and family, but I have to admit I like California. The people are kind, the weather is nice (comparitavly), and there is a lot to do.

So with this move I'm feeling the drain of unemployment once again. I've contacted some old peers at various schools near home, but I fear my lack of experience since the last time I looked for a teaching job is only going to hinder my search. Not to mention I'm so very tired of searching for jobs. It feels like I've been looking for years...oh wait I have. Every time I had a job I had to leave, or it wasn't full time. My long term sub job I left for Jeromy and Texas then my part time adjunct position at Lone Star I left for California. Now that I am here there is not enough time to get a serious job before we move home. So I've been searching for random jobs, but with little success. I'm hoping that this move is good timing to search for a teaching job and I already have my IA and NE licenses, which is also exciting. Searching for a job in the worst recession of my lifetime is depressing and frustrating, but I have hope that the new year will bring good things!

This will be the first year I haven't been home for any of the holidays and I will be missing you all even more then usual. I'm hoping to be home soon, but I'm waiting to hear more about the move before I decide when is the best time to come home.

I'm also hoping to pick up the pace with my blog again, but I'm not making any promises. I need to start thinking again about things like the $1.6 billion was given to bank execs last year in salaries and bonuses. Can you believe it? I believe it, but it makes me angry...I wish I could be paid millions to do a terrible job.

Miss you all! Happy Holidays!!