Saturday, August 30, 2008

John McCain's VP Pick

I find it appalling that McCain is using Sara Palin as a pawn to gain the trust of women who know little more then she kept her precious child after learning that it had downs. Since when is that extraordinary? Many mothers who have less support and financial stability make that same choice every day. Well here are the things I have learned after briefly researching her online and enough for me to find her nomination repulsive...

1. Her education credentials are clearly lacking with only "Bachelor's Degree in Journalism/Communications"
2. Her strong beliefs about overturning Roe v Wade
3. They speak of Barack's lack of experience...she has only been the Governor of AK which proceeds her brief time as a mayor and city council member. Let's face it she is a business woman whose location and states natural resources made her a politician. Do you want your HR rep to be next in line for the presidency because that is what would happen if the McCain/Palin ticket won.
4. Her resume is primarily oil and gas related. Does she know anything else?
5. Her antiquated ideas about women's rights

I just hope that Americans can see past the disgusting way the McCain is using this woman as a media distraction, seemingly believing that women will vote for just because he picked a woman as his VP. This doesn't make him a "maverick" it makes him an idiot. Why don't we just go back to mid-evil politics where women were married off for political gain? How is this much different she is nothing more then a "trophy wife" for McCain's campaign. Before you vote John McCain do you really want this woman to be Commander and Chief? It's not a silly question...let's face facts...McCain is as old and decrepit as his ideas.

PS We made it safely to CA today...after 24ish hours. It was a long drive. We are all very tired, but this whole thing is killing me and I had to get it off my chest. Hillary should have spit in her face instead of congratulating her...ok I better stop. P.S. Obama's speech was just ok to me. Couple things I didn't like, but overall he's definitely my man after this bullshit...I am truly disgusted.