Sunday, April 06, 2008

Jobs and Such Things

I am done with the temp job, where I did nothing - literally. I will be working on my job search again full force. I'm sooo happy to be done with that job. The commute was 45min-75 min and I never thought having nothing to do would be so painful, but it truly is awful. I was also quite surprised at how indifferent the people around me were toward me. Instead I had to listen to the drafters talk about asses as they went by, fornication with their girlfriends, and on a good day guns, hunting, and how McCain is a superior candidate...yes there were a few times where I piped in and set them straight that there is no way any republican has a chance. I fear now though what this long race may do to the democrats. Although I am an Obama supporter, I'm down with Hillary too. I just fear another four years of BS like we have had for the last eight. I digress...the banter in the trailer where I worked was beyond out of line and worthy of a shower after work, so in many ways I'm very glad to be done working there. For the most part the women acted inferior to the men by giggling and bowing down to their bosses every whim. I understand not many women choose oil rig engineering as a career, but this was a men's club like I had never seen. During the last ten days I worked there not a person from my team spoke with me. Seriously? I'm believe I'm a likable person, at least worthy of a stop by and what up. I worked with ex-boyfriends who were chattier. Creepy. Disgusting. Finally Over. I'm Sorry about the rambling...if that was one of my students papers I would have said "One main idea per paragraph" but it's not and you get an A if you can follow my story.

I love my job teaching Dev. Writing at L.S. College, but even though the pay is great I can't work enough hours to pay off my debt. I can't believe I have been without a full time, benefits offering gig for almost 2 years now. It's unreal. I have put out hundreds of resumes for teaching, training, and cs jobs with little response. It's well beyond frustrating at this point. I'm truly at a loss. Everything I read says to send your resume out to places that do not have jobs posted. Houston is the 3rd largest city in the country and I'm just supposed to randomly send out my resume? WTF where would you start? With unemployment at an all time high at 5% I can't imagine how many people I am competing with for every job. I applied for some stupid job online that tracks how many applicants there are...oh yeah...just wait...23,000, and it wasn't a great job. Something stupid. The closest I have come to a job was in Chicago last month and I bombed my 3rd phone interview...they become progressively more difficult to come up with new stuff once you are on your third interview. Anyway I will continue plugging away. Not much else that I can do really. J's friend called the FAA for him, and we may hear a little something this week. It sounds like they never really took him out of the queue for accepting the job in Beaumont causing the other requests to sit in limbo. Hopefully they will offer us somewhere closer to home, and I can find a job there. It has to happen eventually right???